Hey Android, Where is My Car?

Hey Android, Where is My Car? (RSA Conference 2017)

Vehicles are increasingly connected and researchers have shown just how easily some of these connected features can be hacked. Just as people think the story’s been done, our research reveals that there is a key vector that has been overlooked and we ignore it at our peril: malware through an infected mobile device. This talk will reveal the results of our tests on several popular car-manufacturer apps.

Detailed Presentation :

(Source : RSA USA 2017)

Speakers :

Victor Chebyshev, Mikhail Kuzin

Victor Chebyshev is a Security Expert at Kaspersky Lab, where he researches for mobile malware. He graduated from Moscow Institute of Electronics and Mathematics. During his studying, he became interested in reverse engineering and malware analysis. After graduation, he changed several jobs before landing his position as Information Security Specialist. Kaspersky Lab hired Chebyshev as Junior Malware Analyst in January 2009. By 2013 he was promoted to Non-Windows Malware Research Group Manager and then at 2015 to Security Expert. Nowadays Chebyshev is an experienced specialist and has deep knowledge in Android, Linux and Mac OS malware.

Mikhail Kuzin is a Malware Analyst at Kaspersky Lab, responsible for researching non-Windows malware. He graduated from the National Research Nuclear University “MEPHI” in 2013. While at university, he worked as a programmer in a small company and became interested in reverse-engineering. This led him to join Kaspersky Lab as a Junior Malware Analyst after graduation. In 2014 he was promoted to Malware Analyst. Nowadays, Kuzin is an experienced specialist with a deep knowledge of Android, Linux and Mac OS malware. Some of his work on non-Windows malware is published on securelist.com. He was also a speaker at the “Botconf 2015” conference in Paris, presenting his research into Android “rooting” malware.



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