Amazing Technology-Science Fiction Coming True?

The Future of Techs look so promising that we may live in Sci-Fis super soon. So, I thought of covering some mind blowing concepts, some of which may have also taken shape:

  • Google Automated Cars
    This is a very popular project and the interesting things are these are Driver Less cars with extreme accuracy. It could look into a future of reduced accidents and human errors.

  • MIT Squishy Robots (like Terminator 2)
    Notice the Robots in Terminator being able to change form to get through smaller spaces? MIT is working on phase changing robot, which can change form, it will be able to aid in Medical fields by going into the human body and finding survivors in a Rubble after natural calamities, and many more.

  • Mind Controlling Aircrafts-No Pilot Planes
    A little scary but the Pilot is driving it with his mind. The pilot's brain waves will transform into commands for the flight. The tests gave very accurate flying results

  • Rain Or Lightening on Demand
    University of Arizona worked on a way to shoot a Lazer Beam into the clouds to create electrical activity, the lightening is yet to happen though

  • Invisibility Cloak
    A very common phenomenon in Sci-Fi, it is almost workable. One such way is to make the materials reflect light in such a manner, it turns invisible to the viewer.

  • Watson-plays game Jeopardy, takes automated customer call etc.
    IBM Watson replicates the power of human learning i.e. cognitive learning. The best part is it can gobble up all the information available unlike humans helping us with deeper insights. It can takes automated calls and play Jeopardy.

  • Artificial Brain
    Google's Brain didn't need teaching, with high volumes to videos given to it, wit high levels of accuracy recognized human faces and body parts. Amazingly it could detect the overwhelming cats too!

  • Real Time Language Translation
    Skype allows one to communicate with someone who speaks a different language. Eliminates language barriers, already available in few popular languages

  • Smartphones- diagnosis of infections, heart attacks etc.
    Your health monitoring device will be the smartphone, it will diagnose your mental health, your heart and all others. Processes will also be automated for quick notifications to the doctors and ambulance alert

  • Intel Edison
    An SD Card size can fit in the whole of your bulky computer. Believed to be targeted towards developers.

  • Form 1 3D Printer
    A design prototype is easier than ever, a quick 3D prototype with the Form1 is amazing.

  • Eye Tribe & Leap Motion
    Both the above small devices are quick at recognizing hand motion and eye motion which are then actionable. Scroll the page or browse the web with your eyes or hands without touching the screen

With the amazing Techs comes a challenge, the Information Security world will take a leap light years forward, prediction can be key.

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