Saturday, June 6, 2015 (2)

Jun 6, 2015
June 4, 2015
  • Top 100 CISO Awards, 2015

  • Jun 4, 2015 to Jun 6, 2015
  • Location: Top 100 CISO Awards, 2015
  • Description:


          Top 100 CISO Awards 2015

    The 5th edition of 'Top 100 CISO Awards' will felicitate the top winners, the finest CISO's who are using information security technology in innovative ways. 

    Date & Venue

    Please fill in your nominations before the last da

  • Created by: Amrita Yellapantula
  • CISO Platform Decision Summit 2015

  • Jun 4, 2015 to Jun 6, 2015
  • Location: CISO Platform Decision Summit 2015
  • Description:


    CISO Platform Decision Summit 2015

    Decision Summit is aimed at practical discussions, specific implementations, checklists and metrics used to help a CISO take better decisions.The areas of focus shall be:

    • Vendor Evaluation and Bench marking Tools
    • Secur
  • Created by: Amrita Yellapantula