Leadership...what we know but miss out often !

Leadership what we know but miss out often !Getting your mind trained as a leader
  • You are the sole person responsible for your success or failure.
  • There is no excuse for any failure. A failure is a failure. Accept it gracefully. Learn from your mistakes. It is real failure when you do not accept and learn from it OR you give up.
  • Commitment is everything. There cannot be any reason failing to intimate in advance regarding not being able to keep up to your commitment. Feel genuinely bad if you cannot commit. There cannot be any excuse for not being able to commit. Saying “sorry” and just “sorry” is the best. Excuses would make you look immature.
  • Timeliness is a way of living. Either you are punctual or you are not. You cannot be punctual only in your meetings. It is a part of you so practice it in your daily life.
  • A leader is a catalyst. He makes other successful. Doing things is not your job but getting things done is what you are meant for.
  • A leader inspires others through his actions and words. Actions are more important than words.
  • A leader coaches his team members. He is their mentor.
  • A leader hires a team better than him and brings the best out of them.

(Read more:  Tips for Vendor Management)

How to fail as a leader
  • Let me do it myself. It would save time.
  • Not giving credit to team or giving credit superficially and not meaning it.
  • Not accepting your failures. Blaming others for your failure.
  • Ask for it but not do it. Talk about punctuality and not be punctual yourself.
  • Think that you could hide your wrongs. A leader is always exposed. Everybody knows what mistakes he is doing.
  • Having ego. If you have to prove your point and not accept if you are wrong then be ready to lose all your respect. You either can have your ego or have respect.

-By Bikash

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  • Created by: Biswajit Banerjee