Lloyd’s New Cyber Insurance Exclusions Aim to Avoid Payouts from Nation State Hacks


The recent announcement by the insurance giant Lloyds of London, may be the biggest cybersecurity news of the year. It might not seem all that relevant, but strategically, this will likely shift the entire industry and politics of cybersecurity.

In the podcast, I go over the reasons behind the exclusions, how it impacts insurance customers, and what conditions are likely to be excluded.



Cybersecurity Insights channel: https://www.youtube.com/CybersecurityInsights

Lloyd’s Market Bulletin Y5381 State backed cyber-attack exclusions https://assets.lloyds.com/media/35926dc8-c885-497b-aed8-6d2f87c1415d/Y5381%20Market%20Bulletin%20-%20Cyber-attack%20exclusions.pdf

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CISO Breakfast at BlackHat Las Vegas 2024!

  • Description:

    We are thrilled to invite you to the CISO Breakfast at BlackHat 2024. 

    CISOPlatform is a community partner for the event which is co-hosted by Silicon Valley Bank, Stage One, First Rays Venture Partners, Latham & Watkins.


    Event Details: 

    • Date: Thursday, August 8th,…
  • Created by: pritha
  • Tags: blackhat usa, las vegas, ciso breakfast, usa