The Art of defence: How vulnerabilities help shape security features and mitigations in android

Information security is ever evolving, and Android's security posture is no different. Android users faces threats from a variety of sources, from the mundane to the extraordinary. Lost and stolen devices, malware attacks, rooting vulnerabilities, malicious websites, and nation state attackers are all within the Android threat model, and something the Android Security Team deals with daily. In this talk, we will cover the threats facing Android users, using both specific examples from previous Black Hat conferences and published research, as well as previously unpublished threats. For the threats, we will go into the specific technical controls which contain the vulnerability, as well as newly added Android N security features which defend against future unknown vulnerabilities. Finally, we'll discuss where we could go from here to make Android, and the entire computer industry, safer.


Nick Kralevich

Nick Kralevich is head of Android platform security at Google and one of the original members of the Android security team. In his 7 years in Android, he led the development of Android's key security features and has been on the forefront of modern operating system security. Nick's expertise is in defensive security technologies with a focus on native code hardening, application containment, and exploit mitigation.

Detailed Presentation:

(Source: Black Hat USA 2016, Las Vegas)



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