Fundamentally we associate branding with bragging ,thus embarrassment. Rather branding is what others think of you, a response to the stimulus you provide. Adityanath Jha(CEO Crayon Pictures, Former Global Head of Branding at infosys) shows a completely different aspect of branding from scratch.
Key Learning, Video and PPT
- Branding is not bragging, Branding is What Others Think Of You
- Branding is a function of professional, personal and behavioral attributes
- Branding is the response to the stimulus you provide
- 3 questions for a Brand Perception
1. What do you do?
2. How do you do it?
3. What do you stand for?
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- Your brand strength is directly proportional to respect earned and awareness gained
- Learn the secrets to creating thoughts in 2 Minutes- 'The Maggi Funda'
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(Read more: 5 easy ways to build your personal brand !)
What factors do you consider for your brand building ? Share your thoughts with us in the comments below.