

The life of a cybersecurity professional is characterized by a constant battle against evolving threats and vulnerabilities. In today's complex and sophisticated landscape, there's no silver bullet solution to fix all our problems. Instead, we must embrace a multifaceted approach, acknowledging that addressing cybersecurity challenges requires time, resources, and expertise. One viable solution for organizations, especially mid-sized ones, is managed services, where specialized providers offer both tools and services to bolster cyber defenses.



Here is the verbatim discussion:

That's the life of a cyber security professional yeah much about it we got to live with it yeah I think unfortunately there's no Silver Bullet there's no one magic tool that would fix all our problems especially in today's world where we just discussed everything has become increasingly complex and sophisticated and our cyber posture needs to respond accordingly so we really need to take a multipro multifaceted and and and is going to take time money now one solution for this is going for manage service so somebody who has the tools and also can offer a layer of service on top of it and if you are a midsized organization and that's a great um solution because you may not need a full-time person for running that and also manage services folks they know the tools um and and and they also are trained on that they have probably a better license uh price maybe they can pass on some benefit to you so that could be a good um kind of solution in fact um interestingly um when we launched this as a product we got some feedback from various folks like especially from the midm market that can you offer this as a manag service so we also have a small manage services team who does this as a manage service for uh um I I think um Dave mentioned um like some very critical element few things like it's a big thing like um it's not a vendor risk management becomes a big part of the program few things which um which you might consider would be um like knowing your vendors like that's also again another very hard problem lot of times people don't know the list of all the vendors and somebody goes and starts working with another vendor without the knowledge of the security team so just the policy is not enough also doing some Discovery like we have seen sometimes exposure management or external attex surface Discovery is able to go and figure things out like here is a database which exposes your data on this specific it we found that for one of the banks and um they came back and said you know what that's not any IP address of our bank but the data looks like ours then it turned out we figured out that belongs to a specific organization um which was AI company doing certain things really think this is going to make us happy after we get that we don't feel happy and it's a difficult problem to solve right so risk management is something very similar but one very interesting thing like which is very similar to the happiness problem is that you have some generally happy folks and the happy folks whatever bad thing happens they come back to the Happy State and then you have generally unhappy folks whatever good thing happens in their life they generally come back to that negative state right so when it comes to risk management I think it's very important that we build a program where we come back to the safe State as a business so bad things can happen risks are there but can we come back to the safety State as a business so the organizations which can kind of um and and this CSF is very close to that.



The Reality of Cybersecurity Challenges: Cybersecurity professionals must grapple with the reality that there's no one-size-fits-all solution. As threats become increasingly complex, our cyber posture must adapt accordingly. This necessitates a comprehensive, multifaceted approach to cybersecurity.

Benefits of Managed Services: Managed services offer a compelling solution for organizations seeking to enhance their cyber defenses without the need for a full-time in-house team. By outsourcing to specialized providers, businesses can access expertise, tools, and cost-effective solutions tailored to their needs.

The Significance of Vendor Risk Management: Vendor risk management emerges as a critical element of any cybersecurity program. Knowing your vendors, conducting thorough assessments, and monitoring for potential exposures are essential steps in mitigating risks associated with third-party relationships.

Importance of Discovery and Exposure Management: Asset discovery and exposure management are indispensable components of effective risk management. Proactively identifying vulnerabilities, such as exposed databases or sensitive data, enables organizations to address potential risks before they escalate into breaches.

Striving for Resilience: Ultimately, the goal of risk management is to build resilience within the organization. Like the pursuit of happiness, where individuals naturally gravitate back to a baseline state, businesses must aim to return to a safe state despite encountering risks. This involves establishing robust cybersecurity frameworks, fostering a culture of security awareness, and implementing strategies to mitigate risks effectively.


As cybersecurity professionals navigate the ever-evolving threat landscape, it's imperative to adopt a proactive and holistic approach to risk management. By leveraging managed services, prioritizing vendor risk management, and embracing proactive discovery and exposure management practices, organizations can strengthen their cyber defenses and build resilience against emerging threats. In striving for resilience, businesses aim not to eliminate risks entirely but to mitigate their impact and swiftly return to a secure state. In this ongoing battle against cyber threats, the key lies in continuous vigilance, adaptability, and a commitment to cybersecurity best practices.



Bikash Barai is credited for several innovations in the domain of Network Security and Anti-Spam Technologies and has multiple patents in USPTO. Fortune recognized Bikash among India’s Top 40 Business Leaders under the age of 40 (Fortune 40-under-40).Bikash is also an active speaker and has spoken at various forums like TiE, RSA Conference USA, TEDx etc.Earlier he founded iViZ an IDG Ventures-backed company that was later acquired by Cigital and now Synopsys. iViZ was the first company in the world to take Ethical Hacking (or Penetration Testing) to
the cloud.



Ms. Nasheen Liu strong reputation in the Technology community is built upon her proven track record as a leader who practices what she preaches. Results driven, focused, determined and creative, Ms. Liu approaches business management with integrity, sound common-sense principles and unconventional strategy. Ms. Liu’s expertise in technology marketing, C-suite conversations and executive branding in the digital age makes her a well-rounded knowledge expert, a skilled listener and an excellent communicator.


Dave Lawy, based in Toronto, ON, CA, is currently a Managing Director at Quantum Smart Technologies, bringing experience from previous roles at Harvard Business Review and Gartner Research Board. Dave Lawy holds a McGill University. Dave Lawy has 6 emails and 1 mobile phone number on RocketReach.


Pritha Aash, managing parts of content strategy and marketing in a startup called FireCompass. The team has built things first time in the world and i'm overexcited to be part of it. I decided to share some of it and more. I'm an Information Technology Engineer. Prior to that I did my schooling from Sri Aurobindo, Loreto House, Loreto Convent Entally, Kolkata. I like to volunteer in interest groups, communities to help the world we live in be a better place. Currently volunteer at WWF, Khan Academy, SaveTrees.



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